Early Years Foundation Stage

In September 2021 there were some changes to the statutory and non-statutory guidance for EYFS. The new documents have given us a fantastic opportunity to reflect on our current curriculum and adapt our bespoke curriculum to meet the needs of our current cohorts at Ryelands Primary and Nursery school.

We have updated our curriculum overviews in nursery and reception ensuring we give the children opportunities to gain deep learning and ensure the children’s learning is secure by showing their skills consistently in a range of different contexts. The overviews show us the curriculum that we will cover across the year through a skills-based approach. We will plan skills that the children need in all 7 areas of development to build on their prior experiences and learning. We ensure that all statutory educational programmes are covered through our interest led, topic led, needs led curriculum for the specific cohorts in EYFS this year.

The topics we introduce are starting points for the children’s play and learning and we are keen to develop topics following the children’s interests and ideas. The topics that we cover are flexible and driven by the interests the children have in EYFS. There are a lot of topic-linked learning opportunities available during child-initiated play, but the children are also able to access other resources if their interests and learning take them in other directions.
