5GP’s Class Page

Miss Garlick, Mrs. Pullen, Mr. Hyde, Mrs. Helme and Mrs. Roy

Key info:

Daily Reader Expectation

In Year 5, there is an expectation that all children read every night.

We would like children to bring their Reading Records to school with the date, the pages which they read, and any comments on what they read. The Reading Records should be returned to school each morning, where they are checked each morning.

Weekly homework (due every Friday)

  • 10 games on Times Table Rockstars
  • 10 minutes in game on Numbots
  • Paper homework made of one page of spelling practice and one page of Maths practice

Reward: beads, house points and bubbles!

Please note: If you require help accessing these sites from home, feel free to pop in for help. All children have time to complete their homework in school if they so choose.

Half-termly Homework

Each half term, we study a new exciting History, Geography or Science topic! With each new topic comes an opportunity for creative and fun learning to take place at home as we send home 9 ideas for homework projects to be completed in collaboration with others. We encourage our pupils to complete one of the 9 ideas (although the more, the merrier). We absolutely love seeing the weird and wonderful things which Year 5 pupils make and bring in to school each year.

Physical Education

  • P.E. is every Thursday

KIT: trainers, trackie bottoms/ leggings, shorts, school House p.e. t-shirt, jumper/hoody

  • Swimming take place every Thursday until the Summer term.

KIT: Swimming costume/ swimming trunks (not shorts), towel and cap (for long hair)

If you have any questions, please speak to Miss Garlick (Mon, Thurs, Fri) or Mrs. Pullen (Tues, Weds) in the 5G classroom either after school, or in the morning before 09:00.

Below is our class blog where you can find information about our learning.

Latest from 5G

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